News & Views (Blog)
24 Email Marketing Stats You Need to Know
The impact of email marketing goes way beyond getting messages into inboxes. Campaign Monitor has assembled an impressive collection of 24 email marketing statistics every marketer needs to know.
A Career Is a Job You’ve Had Too Long
“A career is only a job that you’ve had for too long,” I said jokingly in a corporate meeting. The room fell dead silent.
Flea Markets, Bazaars, and Other Creativity Delights
It’s not your responsibility after all. What would happiness be if you take the genius out of your mind and gave it up to your higher spirit? Would creativity flourish?
Don’t Take This Personally, But…
Every time I hear “Don’t take this personally but…,” I brace myself for the criticism. You know it is coming and it’s not going to be good.
The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves
Building morale by doubling down on a losing hand, workplace reform is destined to fail.
It’s Easier to Be a Critic than a Celebrator
“They’ve never built a statue for a critic.” Celebrators are hard to find and it is too easy to fall into the trap of being critical.