Chasing Happiness Is an Illusion

“Follow your bliss,” says Joseph Campbell in The Power of Myth, implying that bliss is happiness. But happiness is not a destination. Happiness is a feeling.

I Think I Can – Do Affirmations Work?

With the correct mental attitude you can accomplish anything. REALLY?

In 2009, a study by Joanne V. Wood and John W. Lee from the University of Waterloo and W.Q. Elaine Perunovic from the University of New Brunswick discovered that some people felt worse about themselves after repeating positive self-statements. Do affirmations work?

I Am Not an Expert…

…I am an Explorer.

I love learning, finding new challenges, solving puzzles, discovering myself. The unexpected discoveries are the best. When working on a project I get distracted and wind up chasing rabbits down holes.

How Immature I Was Five Years Ago!

Honestly, I was a little embarrassed about how immature and naive I was five years ago. But then I placed myself in that time frame, five years ago, and thought, “How did I feel about how much I had grown five years before that?”

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