We have a little dog, actually a puppy, a small terrier mix. She loves to be out in our rather large, mostly fenced-in yard.
She is too young and inquisitive to let her run free, so we bought a 25-foot tether to allow her to do her “business” and run around.
We watch her while she’s in the yard and it always seems like life to her is much more interesting five feet further than the end of the rope. The best part of the backyard is always five feet away.
We have tried moving the tether around the yard to allow her to explore the area that was five feet further than before. The result is always the same. Life to her is more interesting five feet further than the tether will take her.
This phenomena appears to be true for fishing, also. It seems like the trout always rise five feet further than I can cast. It doesn’t matter if I cast a fishing line 20 feet or 40 feet; the fish always rise five feet further than the cast.
I think this is also true for me. I never seem to be completely satisfied with what I have now or what I am doing now. Life is always more interesting five feet further than where I am now. Of course, once I get there, five more feet would be better.
So much for the Zen of contentment.