What’s a $$ Billion Good For?

Forbes reports, “The highest paid hedge fund manager only made $1.3 billion last year.” Last year, 2014, was a bad year for hedge funds and hedge fund managers. It wasn’t just a bad year, it was the worst since the great recession started in 2008.

Think Like an Owner?!

I would love to have five dollars for every time a business owner says to me, “I want my employees to think like an owner.” “Oh, really!,” I respond…

Creativity Requires Space

Creativity takes time. It requires space. Space to muse. Space to think. Space unconstrained by time. Creativity is timeless.

Adversity, Opportunity or Both?

When things don’t go well, it is easy to take on all the responsibility, maybe blame someone else, and cry in our beer (or wine).

Why not put a problem in front of others and see what they come up with? You might be surprised by the outcome.

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