Low Expectations (A Secret to Happiness)
How would you feel if your employer or your client (if you are business owner) exceeded your expectations? It doesn’t happen often but it happens.
How would you feel if your employer or your client (if you are business owner) exceeded your expectations? It doesn’t happen often but it happens.
Bullying culture has become a wide-spread issue: from school bullying, teacher bullying, cyber bullying, gay bullying, etc. and it goes beyond school.
Rules of the road: When driving you never ‘have’ the right-of-way. You can only ‘give’ the right-of-way. This is an important distinction to the driving test question.
Technology is amazing. Telsa has an electric vehicle that does 0 to 60 mph in three seconds. INSANITY!
I want to be different like everyone else. I first noticed this phenomena when my sons started to be teenagers.